August 6, 2009 at 2:24 pm (miscellaneous, random)

Why does my blog statistics show that I have over 10 readers each day but I have NO comments! 

EH those who read, tag some comments leh! My blog is like so boring! 😦

You tag me, I’ll tag you (that is if you have a blog). TEEHEEHEE.


  1. christine said,

    TAG. haha it’s troublesome tagging on your blog uh.. haha.

  2. vinegar said,

    update ur blog and ppl will comment! 😀

  3. cyanyq said,

    Pffft Vin! I did previously, like, almost everyday? But no one commented :S

  4. vinegar said,

    comment comment comment.

  5. pam said,

    i’m here!! and then…erm…hellllooooo!!

  6. cyanyq said,

    Hahahaha. Helllllooooooo back to you toooooo~ :P:P:P

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